
Danish artist´s flat

Photo: bolig magasinet

More from this colourful flat here


  1. I adore the yellow lamps in the first image.

  2. Those yellow lamps are amazing. Do you know where they are from?

    I must tell you that your blog is like a shot of pure happiness for me. Your eye for all things beautiful just blows me away. I wish I could squeeze myself into these gems you present to us, like gifts, every now and then.

    Thank you.

  3. Those bright yellow spots (chair, lamps and painting) look gorgeous! Especially the rocking chair with purple blanket.

  4. I love yellow on white just beautiful

  5. Such a beautiful home. Thank you for posting, have become completely inspired thanks to your blog!

  6. wow! I just found out the existence of your blog, love it. such beautiful pictures, I could almost live in all the interiors. is your cabine for rent;) I just love to go there with my babyboy
    greetz from marieke (the Netherlands)

  7. ilove the atmosphere in all pics.


  8. oh i just love all the pops of colors, gorgeous!

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