
White on white in Copenhagen

Photo: Sven Berggren/boligmagasinet

You might see that this is the home of two designers (and their twins)? This flat from boligmagasinet used to be a raw office, but after three months of hard work the family could move in to their dreamhome.


  1. that bottom row of pictures is going to get very quickly removed when the twins start walking :) Lovely open space, and easily manageable child friendly objects. Thank you for this eye candy

  2. All of these images are amazing! You are right: this is eye candy for all who loves scandinavian interior.

    Your blog is lovely.

    Thank you for sharing these images with us!

  3. Amazing apartement. Love the photo wall !

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. LLLLove the first picture! that wall covered by black frames, in opposite at the white shelf on the other side is simple beautiful.

    as the tolomeo cieling lamp...

    ps forgive me...I deleted the comment instead of posting it!

  6. ja, er ikke dette bare deilig å se på?? skjønner godt hvorfor du valgte det øverste bildet på topp. Jeg stoppa absolutt opp ved deg, jeg også, når jeg så disse bildene første gangen. Disse kan jeg se på igjen og igjen!
    Ha ei fin uke, du! :)

  7. I love it - especially the decals on the nursery wall!

  8. i love this...the white, the red bits, the storage, the photo montage, and i do believe they've used one of my favourite ikea rocking chairs...
