
Press: Our flat in Maison Magazine

Photo: Elisabeth Hudson

Elisabeth Hudson, the photographer and writer behind the Norwegian blog Inspirational Spaces has taken pictures of our flat in Oslo. It´s going to be in the Norwegian magazine Interiørmagasinet Maison soon. The chair and bench on the top picture is designed by my grandfather, Torbjørn Afdal. He was a pretty big designer in the 50ies and 60ies, and has made som much cool stuff! Did you know that he made furniture for the White House during Kennedy and that he made the office-furniture for the Norwegian prime minister after he retired?


  1. Takk for tips om blogg! Flotte bilder fra leiligheta deres, måtte klikke for å få stort bilde, sånn at jeg kunne nyte alle detaljer!:)

  2. Nydelige bilder.
    Jeg la med en gang merke til at du hadde design fra Torbjørn Afdal, og så ble det artig å lese teksten din.
    Vi har arvet spisestuen Darby (designet av Afdal tidlig på 60-tallet) produsert for Nesje (leveres enda). Den står nå i peisstuen vår - bilder: http://moderne-retro.blogspot.com/search/label/Peisstue
    Her bilde fra Nesje: http://www.nesje.no/testspisestuedarby.htm
