
Our flat: The hallway

Photo: scandinavian retreat

While waiting for the baby I´ve made a few posts ready from our flat in Oslo. This is the hallway, with our wall of family pictures - a work in progress.


  1. Hey Pippi! I see you're still waiting, these must be the most impatient time now:) I hope you're doing well :)
    wonderful hallway! in my house it looks really bad..We rent a little flat and it has brown cork-like wallpaper and we can't do anything with it because it's not ours;] I try not to look at it;)
    beautiful pictures!
    real moments captured in frames:) lovely!
    take care!

  2. Soledad Crescia29 April 2010 at 11:29

    Pippi your blogg is a great inspiration to me and my husband. Han er norsk, jeg er selv argentinsk og vi bor i Buenos Aires. Vi planlegger aa bygge en hytte i Uruguay i et sted som ligger ca. 2 timer fra BA og som er veldig rolig. Det ligger rett ved stranden til en kjempe bred elv (ser ut som sjoen) For oss aa dra der blir det som "Norge". Vi du er nyskjerrig du kan soke "Zagarzazu balneario" paa you tube. Det er der tre filmer fra tomten vaar tatt opp av mannen min.
    Jeg onsker deg det beste med din baby. Min eldste sonn paa 4 aar bled fodt paa Rikshospitalet i Oslo. Jeg har ogsaa en jente som er 17 mnd men hun ble fodt her nede. Det er en vanvittig, fantastisk og ubeskrivelig opplevelse den tiden som kommer foran til dere. Jeg onsker deg det beste.
    Soledad Crescia

  3. Your artgallery here is very interesting with the white/black contrast. And I do love those lamps on the ceiling!

  4. Nice hall! Love your photos and frames. I love the black frames and have something similar in my hall but so not as impressive as this! Best of luck with passing the time whilst waiting for baby to arrive.

  5. I love it! I always find it hard to hang photos on the wall....I guess I am scared to make holes! But yours looks so full and sweet, filled with happy memories!

  6. The cluster of frames just works so well...like they were drawn together by magnetic force or something. I love it, it looks so clean and polished, I just might have to copy!

  7. Thanks for the nice comments everyone! :) Inspires me to keep filling our picture wall...

    Soledad Crescia: Lykke til med hytteprosjektet deres! Så på tomten og stranden på youtube, helt fantastisk! Vi har også 2 timers reisevei til hytta, og det er kort nok til at man kan dra titt og ofte. Desverre er ikke stranden som i Argentine (og heller ikke været...), men, men... sånn er det å bo i Norge. Lykke til igjen og takk for koselig kommentar!


  8. This looks so fantastic. The architectural details and those floors are just beautiful. I have been really drawn to black frames lately. I also love those light fixtures, the bench, everything!

  9. This is such a beautiful hallway!! :) You know, since I was a kid, I always dreamed of moving to New York and... I live quite far, so it was a huge dream! :) And when I thought about my apartment to be in New York I always imagined something just like this... filled with black and white pictures! I also love your floor... Best wishes, Twiggs

  10. I love your hallway! It is so simple yet speaks to your taste perfectly. That photo wall is lovely!

  11. This hallway is lovely; thanks so much for sharing with us! I also love the view from your cottage - gorgeous!

    I am currently restoring some photos of my grandfather's family. He was born and raised in Refvik and immigrated to the U.S. in 1901. Are you close to this area?

  12. I love this hallway!
    It reminds me a lot to the Buenos Aires apartments I used to stay everytime I went to Argentina to visit my relatives.

    Thanks for sharing this :)
    by the way, very nice pics

  13. Hei, så fin benk! Har nettopp kjøpt ein slik sjølv og skulle gjerne visst kor du har kjøpt putene til, og korgene under?

  14. Takk!

    Benken er faktisk laget av morfaren min, Torbjørn Afdal, for Bruksbo. Putene har moren min sydd, og kurvene er kjøpt på Rafens, men det har like bla på Shabby og sikkert mange andre steder.

